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About me

Hi, I’m Tanisha! I can’t wait to help you connect to your inner goddess.

I am on a mission to restore the power of feminine wisdom through storytelling and rituals. As The Lunar Priestess, I guide women on a journey of self-discovery, helping them connect with their inner goddess and the power and wisdom of the divine feminine.

I am also a ritualist and women's empowerment coach. Through ancient myths and captivating storytelling, I reignite the spark of the divine feminine within each woman, revealing the powerful archetypes that lie dormant. By embracing these aspects of ourselves, I believe we can heal both personally and collectively, fostering a world free from the limitations of the past.

My mission extends beyond personal empowerment. As a pleasure priestess and tantric practitioner, I help women live a more orgasmic life as I believe that pleasure is our birthright.

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