Rediscover your magic...

"Imagine a hidden garden where ancient wisdom blooms alongside the vibrant spirit of modern womanhood. This is Mysterium Academy, the online sanctuary born from the Lunar Priestess. Here, you're not just a student; you're a sister, a visionary, a healer-in-waiting, a leader, a mother, and a wife. In fact, you are a luscious goddess.

Invest in your growth...

This academy will be your all-access pass to a transformative journey of self-discovery. 


You'll gain access to:


  • The vibrant Mysterium Academy: Connect with other women on this path, share your insights, ask questions, and find support.
  • The captivating Literary Club: Deep dive into a curated selection of books, followed by insightful live discussions.
  • The Feminine Odyssey: Explore the seven archetypes through mythologies like the Descent of Inanna, Persephone's kidnapping, and Pele's escape.
  • Masterclasses on archetypes and different topics: Uncover the depths of each archetype, including goddesses and modern-day examples, with accompanying growth work.
  • Shadow work exploration: Delve into your shadow side with monthly exercises and deep dives into dark goddesses like Kali, Lilith, and Hekate.
  • Healing the Mother Wound: Explore this critical aspect of feminine empowerment through dedicated exercises and guidance.
  • Sensual Awakening: Embrace the Lover within through explorations of sex magic, glamour magic, and the goddesses of love, power, and abundance like Oshun, Venus, and Inanna.
  • Rituals & Practices: Participate in live Full Moon and New Moon rituals, seasonal celebrations, and rejuvenating yoga classes.
  • The Monthly Muse Letter: Stay inspired and informed with valuable insights and updates.



Let's get in formation...

"Are you ready to delve deeper into the divine feminine? Are you longing for a community of like-minded women? Join the Mysterium Academy and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery."

Join the Academy