Rediscover your magic...

"Imagine a hidden garden where ancient wisdom blooms alongside the vibrant spirit of modern womanhood. This is Femme Den, the online sanctuary born from theĀ future Mysterion Mystery Academy. Here, you're not just a student; you're a sister, a visionary, a healer-in-waiting, a leader, a mother, and a wife. In fact, you are a luscious goddess.

Invest in your growth...

This community will beĀ your all-access pass to a transformative journey of self-discovery.Ā 


You'llĀ gain access to:


  • The vibrant Femme Den Community: Connect with other women on this path, share your insights, ask questions, and find support.
  • The captivating Literary Club: Deep dive into a curated selection of books, followed by insightful live discussions.
  • The Feminine Odyssey: Explore the seven archetypes through mythologies like the Descent of Inanna, Persephone's kidnapping, and Pele's escape.
  • Masterclasses on archetypes and different topics: Uncover the depths of each archetype, including goddesses and modern-day examples, with accompanying growth work.
  • Shadow work exploration: Delve into your shadow side with monthly exercises and deep dives into dark goddesses like Kali, Lilith, and Hekate.
  • Healing the Mother Wound: Explore this critical aspect of feminine empowerment through dedicated exercises and guidance.
  • Sensual Awakening: Embrace the Lover within through explorations of sex magic, glamour magic, and the goddesses of love, power, and abundance like Oshun, Venus, and Inanna.
  • Rituals & Practices: Participate in live Full Moon and New Moon rituals, seasonal celebrations, and rejuvenating yoga classes.
  • The Monthly Muse Letter: Stay inspired and informed with valuable insights and updates.



Let's get in formation...

"Are you ready to delve deeper into the divine feminine? Are you longing for a community of like-minded women? Join the Femme Den Community and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery."

Join the Community